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Lewiston Auburn Senior College


The Wonder of Birds


with Catherine Hunter

Calendar Feb 4, 2025 at 10 am, runs for 4 weeks


The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service estimates more than 45 million Americans are bird watchers. To learn more about birds we look to scientists and artists. Scientists search for facts while artists introduce visual and visceral components; both offer paths for the curious to learn. We will examine birds in nature and artwork including illustrations, murals, photography, sculpture and music. You will hear directly from artists in videos. Topics will include the Evolution of Field Guides, Nests and Eggs, Portraiture, Extinction and Species Recovery, and the role of art in advocacy for birds.

Catherine Hunter was a museum curator, educator, and consultant for over twenty years in New England. She received her Bachelor of Arts in History of Art from Cornell University and began her career in the Department of Textiles at the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston. Hunter’s courses reflect the connections one can discover while studying art, science, and culture. Research for this course included attending programs at Audubon's Hog Island, Bremen, Maine. Hunter lives in Massachusetts.

How to Get Along in Spite of Our Differences


with Craig Freshley

Calendar Mar 18, 2025 at 1 pm, runs for 1 week


Everyone who registers will receive a link to ZOOM in their email on the morning of the class, and may attend either in-person or by ZOOM if desired.

As we are repeatedly told how divided and polarized our society has become, we may feel discouraged from trying to bridge those divides. This presentation is an antidote to that discouragement, providing practical tips for productive dialogue in divided communities. Drawing on his book Together We Decide, Craig Freshley emphasizes the importance of open-mindedness, inclusivity and cooperation as he shares inspirational stories and teaches practical skills for getting along and moving forward together.

Craig Freshley is a professional facilitator, author and public speaker who is passionately committed to peacemaking and draws on his experience with consensus decision-making to promote healing in our world. In 2019, he received the American Civic Collaboration Award for creating and facilitating Make Shift Coffee Houses, community gatherings that provided a space where individuals from diverse political backgrounds could come together to engage in dialogue and understand each other’s perspectives.

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