Walking the Southwest Coast Path of England, with a visit to Salisbury Cathedral and nearby Stonehenge
with Thomas Hamilton
Several years ago, my wife and I decided to hike two hundred miles along the Southwest Coast Path on the northern coast of Devon and Cornwall, England. We encountered lovely vistas, lots of steep hills to climb up and stagger down (called combes by the locals), many historical sites, and many charming little fishing villages that cling to the rugged coast of Southwest England. When our legs grew weary we “hop scotched” around the southern coast of Cornwall utilizing public buses and trains to eventually reach the magnificent Salisbury Cathedral and the incredible stones of Stonehenge. Come with us while we revisit our journey.
After through-hiking the Appalachian Trail Tom, who was later joined by his wife Judy, simply could not stop walking. Their hikes include long-distant trails in Vermont, the United Kingdom and Spain.
Mar 26th, 2025
Wed for 1 week from 10:00 - 11:30 amWill run
Online Class
For more info, call us at (207) 713-7266